...and images...

sabato, settembre 01, 2007


Ho trovato anche questo MERAVIGLIOSO video sul monkey temple della valle di kathmandu.

1 Commenti:

Anonymous Anonimo ha detto...

Hello my dear friend Eleonora...

I was just surfing through your weblog. I don't understand alot of the things you wrote (i don't understand a thing of the Italian language), but i saw that you also have a link to Eva's website. Cool!!
I really like the picture of you while you were still pregnant.
I will respond to your letter soon, because i like to keep in touch with you.
Other good news; we are planning to go on summervacation next year near Viareggio, at the coast.
So there will be a big chance that we will meet eachother again after so---o many years!
What do you think of that?

Lots of hugs and a big kiss from your friend Marion

9:44 PM


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